Shauna Wears Pink

I will never forget the day my doctor uttered those horrifying words “I am sorry to tell you, but that is a cancer tumor that you have in your left breast”. I was 33 years old, and my life changed forever. I invite you to read my story, learn from it and hopefully be inspired to reach out to other young women living with and beyond breast cancer.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

LIVESTRONG Day – May 17, 2006

Today May 17, 2006 is LIVESTRONG Day. Today is the day that Lance Armstrong has asked us to come together and raise a united voice in the fight against cancer. As I sit here today and think about the past 10 months… diagnosis at age 33 with stage II breast cancer, my younger sister’s subsequent diagnosis with breast cancer at age 31, the four surgeries to remove the cancer and preserve my fertility, the 8 months of grueling chemotherapy…..I realize that I have been living each and every one of those days by Lance’s motto to LIVESTRONG. Since my diagnosis with breast cancer on August 4, 2005, there has also not been a single day that has passed during which I have not asked the question “why?” “Why me? Why now?” I have finally realized that I may never know the answer to “why”. What I do know is that my life has been repurposed. I have been given an opportunity to use my voice and my energy to join others in not only fighting cancer, but in eradicating it as a cause of death in my generation. I want my son to grow up in a world free of cancer. Please join me on LIVESTRONG Day to pledge to use your voice to eradicate cancer during our lifetime.
Please take a moment from your day and send a letter to Congress in support of LIVESTRONG representatives on Capital Hill today.


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